I found this sculpture in Ramat Gan (practically a suburb of Tel Aviv). I have no idea why it was there and have no background for it, sorry. But I like it and think it's very interesting. Have a good week, everyone.
Great photo; well they all are. I'll link you in the side bar of my Photo A Day, I enjoy visiting other parts of the world by blog and seeing their photos.
So, after a quick game of spece invaders (todah rabah, was not expecting that!)onto the statue. It' a strong image, but how strange, no caption, no expanation, no artist's name. My take is that it an old Jewish man in Eastern Europe in WW2, Warszaw ghetto?
oh I like it, it's dramatic
It's full of mystery. Who is?
Very Expressive although he doesn't 'ring any bells' as to that area - from what i imagine. (Your blog template is looking good, is new to me)
tres belle statue, on ressent bien le doute dans le visage de l'homme. bravo belle photo
very beautiful statue, one feels well the doubt in the face of the man. photo cheer beautiful
Yes, I can see why it attracted you. You did a good job photographing it, and a little mystery adds interest to one's life!
Somebody slaved away on the wax model for this sculpture. I am like you and like it a lot. Certainly a powerful image.
720 pixels
Great photo; well they all are. I'll link you in the side bar of my Photo A Day, I enjoy visiting other parts of the world by blog and seeing their photos.
Thanks for all the comments. I'm glad you found it as interesting as I did. Ruth, thanks for the link.
So, after a quick game of spece invaders (todah rabah, was not expecting that!)onto the statue. It' a strong image, but how strange, no caption, no expanation, no artist's name. My take is that it an old Jewish man in Eastern Europe in WW2, Warszaw ghetto?
Wow, that's a great statue. I wonder what that is in between his feet... Is it a washbowl or something?
Very nice sculpture. He looks tired. Maybe he's taking a rest before he moves on to somewhere else. :-)
A wonderful sculpture that is both dramatic and moody too. Great find.
it looks to me an ancient chinese figure..interesting!
interesting posture - I wonder what the sculpture artist was thinking to inspire this design but its really kewl =D
Over from Ruth's - love the statue and all your pics.
Be visiting regularly
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