The weekend has started here in Israel (Friday and Saturday - back to work on Sunday) and people are enjoying a relaxing day at the beach. This is Atzok Beach. Have a good weekend.
I like to go to the beach very much and your photos have encouraged me to go to that beach precisely. I will go there when I have the chance. Buy ViagraViagra
colored and graphic
good week end
Looks like a wonderful way to spend the weekend.
enjoy yourself.
This beach reminded my last vacation, beautiful beach with white sand,
makes me want to go to the beach....
this article might interest you....,7340,L-3421058,00.html
Is the water warm at least? In San Francisco it's always cold :(
Great work.
Well done!
Hello from Dublin, Ireland.
I like to go to the beach very much and your photos have encouraged me to go to that beach precisely. I will go there when I have the chance. Buy Viagra Viagra
Hi, just wanted to ask why you stopped updating the blog?
you could add some pictures from the storm we had these past few days..
Enjoyed it quite well, 5 days camping trip :)
call Pakistan
Hmm, a bit too crowded for me but I guess some of the "sights" are bonus. :)
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