Sunday, February 25, 2007

Dust is in the air...

No it's not fog it's thick dust. A few times a year we have a "shirav". This is when dust blows in from the deserts and it just sort of hangs in the air for a day or two. It's awful and everything smells and feels dusty and sandy.


photowannabe said...

It must be hard to breathe. I would imagine it gets into everything and it really makes for a dull sky.

Ming the Merciless said...

Thanks for the information. I didn't know sand storms exist in big cities.

Ioanna said...

Seems to be a very annoying situation! I didn't knew this phenomenon!

stromsjo said...

No point washing your car before a shirav then...

Mandi said...

Yes, they're awful and everything gets dirty and has to be washed afterwards.

Oliviah said...

That was very interesting. I did not know there were sandstorms in Tel Aviv. This is a very interesting blog altogether.